Building websites is what I love to do.
I focus on using modern tools to create something both functional and fun.
I'm here to turn your ideas into reality.

Max Juškevič

Frontend Engineer

I'm a passionate Web Developer specializing in creating dynamic and user-friendly websites and applications. With a focus on modern frontend technologies, I deliver high-quality code and engaging user experiences.

My Story

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PostgreSQLAmbient MusicDockerHTMLMongoDBNatureCSSREST APIsHouse MusicReact NativeFramer MotionFantasy BooksFirebaseFencingExpress.jsGraphQLTypeScriptJavaScriptMaterial UIReactEDMStudyingWeb DesignReadingUI DesignBootstrapCoffeeExpoNext.jsIDM
API DevelopmentUX DesignCypressReadingCreative WritingGraphQLNode.jsReactSketchingSleepingDesign SystemsDeep HouseZeldaA/B TestingUser TestingMinimalismFigmaAtomic DesignAWSPrismaServerlessMicro-interactionsTypographyRedisTailwind CSSJestPrototyping
ReduxCoffeeDesign ThinkingLo-fi MusicUser ExperienceCI/CD PipelinesSynthwaveRabbitMQWebSocketsComputer ScienceSQLVisual StorytellingCloud FunctionsOAuthDocker ComposeServerless FunctionsVisual DesignAccessibilityNoSQLFantasy BooksNginxREST APIsTechnoKubernetesMicroservicesGitInformation Architecture

What I've Built

vycetka logo

This portfolio website was a project I developed for a client, serving as a major milestone in my professional web development journey. Built with Next.js, React, TypeScript, and NextUI, this project showcases my ability to deliver high-quality, responsive, and user-centric solutions. The website highlights the client's work while offering a seamless and intuitive user experience, reflecting my dedication to utilizing cutting-edge technologies to fulfill client needs and create visually engaging web interfaces.